Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The ART thingy

I still remember my first "good" art book. I was in a book fair. It was big, had a lot of drawing on its cover page and looked cool. I was so impressed by its cover that I didn't even care to look inside to take it home. It was by a foreign author. My Dad was kind enough to buy me that, knowing my interests well. One thing I learnt from that book was if you want to draw curves better draw the natural curves to master them (I assume you understand what I mean). Of course I was a minor and couldn't get anybody to pose for me. Otherwise I can imagine something like the Titanic scene (just kidding). I still am proud that I had bought that book. When everything is going for a change why cant art? Over the years the meaning of art has changed. It has got a whole new feeling to it today. Indian artists have probably been a lot successful overseas than in their own country. Thanks to the politicians who find enough time to indulge in other matters rather than seeing to their duty, the police officers who have become the puppets of the politicians, the judges who can be bought and sold like vegetables and the common man, the illiterate common man, who will say anything without having any idea about it. This is what India has become today. What is the future?

Why don't we leave the meaning of the paintings to the artists themselves. Otherwise break each and every temple present in the country. Which temple hasn't got "obscene" paintings? it amazes the aliens while we shame on it. What a proud country we are? We hold our culture and traditions. What exactly is our culture, our tradition? This is the country which gave the world a whole new dimension of knowledge in every field. But after about 60 years of independence we still don't know how to respect it.

My grandmother had told me a principle which I shall never forget. Every person has his own view. A person can look at a rock and throw it away saying its unusable. From the same rock a diamond can be extracted by someone else. Its the way we are looking at things which matters most. So if you look at those paintings you will see what you want to see. If you want to see adultery in those painting you will see it clearly, if you want to see its beauty you will see it, what matters is what type of mind, thoughts and look you have. Haven't I said enough?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The hullabaloo about this "Art attack " created a big fuss - courtesy our not so courteous saffron group n politicians.

Thanks for making the scenario a bit comprehensible with ur "simply sensible" post.:)