Saturday, June 09, 2007

Spammer's Delight

A new method of cheating people is currently going around the internet nowadays. Well its not entirely new, but it is so promising, that even intelligent people will fall into the traps.

Some of us may be receiving mails about Free World Cup lottery saying that we have won 1,000,000 pounds, take or give. The winner was decided by a lottery in which your email address came up as a winner. Sounds too good to be true, right??? First of all, did you ever sign up for the lottery. Where in the world, will anyone automatically sign you up for the lottery. Second, they wont ask you any money or bank account till the end, where they will demand you a sum of at least 250 pounds to ship the money safe and secure. Now theres the proof of spam right. The spammer is sure to have made more than a million pound by cheating people. The money transfer is to be through western union so no way of tracking him. So the story ends.

Another spam which has gained a lot of popularity these days is about someone choosing you as a nominee to transfer his/her money. The story reads something like this:- "I am a rich nigerian having no children and sick nowadays. I am in my deathbed and so I am trusting you to help me transfer my money to charity and keep some for yourself." The rich Nigerian in fact isn't rich but just a poor person with a computer. the story has gone many changes in the passing time but the objective remains the same; to get your personal info.

Fortunately, yahoo and Google have been successful in catching all made up stories of the second type. But fail terribly when it comes to the first type. Perhaps because it thinks that you really participated in some lottery. Well I hope they don't think that much and stop such filthy mail.

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